Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Things To Do This Week!!

Alright, this week you must commit to the following:

- Call your small group leader
- Write or Email three participants
- Call your buddy
- Small Group Leaders, please contact Neil or myself with updates from your small group

Why? Why is this important?

Keep the flame of hope, passion and love alive. You and you alone know what keeps you back and what the power of a kind supportive word from a new friend can mean. It's that inside knowledge you received from your small group that is 'key' or it can be the letter/email you send that makes someones day, into a fabulous day. Do not give into those "tapes" i.e. I don't have time...I'm stampeding (for those in Calgary this week). Ok the Stampeding reference is silly, but so are our 'tapes'. Remember life is not a dress rehearsal you only get one shot!
