Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Everyone must call Andrea Matovich

Even if you fully paid for Choices, Givers I and Givers II, Andrea requires that you please call her ASAP to confirm you will be attending Givers II.

Phone #: 403-289-5019

Email: andrea@choicesseminars.com

If you've already called her - AWESOME!! You don't have to call her again to confirm.


Monday, September 1, 2008


Being creative. hmmm. Many of us wonder what it takes to become creative, some even doubt they "really" are creative.

Complete nonsense, we're all creative in different ways and a recent article in 'Scientific American: Mind' - Let your creativity soar (June/July 2008) demonstrates that our ability to become creative can be taught and be tracked.

According to one of the authors there are four core competencies of creative expression:
- People need to learn to preserve their new ideas (what he calls capturing)
- second to surround oneself with interesting people and 'things',
- tackle tough problems (challenge oneself),
- and expand their knowledge (broadening)

So, by 'capturing' they mean making your idea concrete be it by writing it down, sending yourself an email or even getting up and actually trying to do the idea in question. The important point is not to judge the idea itself. Next try tackling difficult problems, be it a crossword puzzle or a challenge at work, home, etc. Current research according the author that in tough situations multiple behaviors compete with each other and their interconnections create new behaviors and new ideas. Third, how do you manage your current social and physical surroundings? Fine at work one may not control the social millieu however you can change your physical environment (i.e. your desk). This is related to 'broadening', that is keeping your knowledge base diverse, the more interesting and diverse the things and the people surround you, the more interesting your own ideas become.

Homework!! Givers II

Yes, we have homework!!

In case you forgot or have lost your homework, I have attached the Givers II homework!

Click on the URL below:



Bean is Believing - Facebook

In case you missed Neil's past email, Neil created the Bean is Believing group in Facebook.


If you're on Facebook & you were part of Choices in June, you may join!

A group for people who attended Choices Calgary in June, 2008 to keep in touch.