Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Kevin Eldson's Update from his small group

I had to share this...thank you Neil for forwarding Kevin's email and thank you Kevin for made my day!

Hey Neil

Just wanted to let you know that everything is going great. I have been in
contact with our group on a weekly basis and they are all doing well. My
buddy Dave has been able to find his daughter which is really cool he said
he hopes to see her sometime this summer and he has found a new place.
When I got home from choices Laurie and I had a really good talk and we
have decided to go ahead with our wedding next summer which is great I
have been able to put the old demons behind me. We have been spending all
of our time together outside which we both enjoy. We did go out dancing
the other night and had a blast and we have also been spending more time
with our families. The day after coming home we did sign Laurie up for the
next seminar and just went to the info meeting last night, it was great to
see some of the people that were at choices again.
The tools are coming in wonderfully there have been no conflicts at work
now rather than reacting I talk to my coworkers and we solve the problem
which works much better.
Home life is much better we talk a lot more and Laurie is looking forward
to her time at choices , with a little nerves with not knowing what to
expect. I can't wait to be there for her on the weekend of her seminar.
All in all life is going the way I have been hoping for . Hope this note
finds things going well for you as well.

See you again soon
Kevin Elsdon

Choices Events

Don't forget the following events!

  • Choices Golf Tournament, Sunday 20 July @ 1:00pm, to register please contact Bill Spangler or Andrea Matovich for details. Remember they also need volunteers!
  • Super Choices, October 20 - 26, 2008 at Quaaout Resort & Conference Centre, Chase BC. To register please email
  • Super Givers, October 24 - 26 at Quaaout Resort & Conference Centre, Chas B.C. To register and info. please email


As Neil reminded us all, please commit to the following homework this week, forward your responses to your coaches.

  • How is my buddy...
  • Status of the small group and what you have committed to the group
  • Most exciting change in my life since seminar
  • People I've shared the training with and people I've asked to attend Choices
  • People already enrolled in Choices
Lastly, please send out the cards to three cards to someone different each week!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

T-Shirts and You

As you attend Givers 1 get ready for the mother of all T-shirts!
Bean is Believing!

Cost: $25.00

Please have cash ready!

Please forward your t-shirt size again to Ellen Feron by Friday 11 July, she may be reached

Big hugs to the following for all their help on getting these fabulous shirts made:

Ellen Feron, Jan Barker, Janette Daintrey, Laurie Brandle, Nola Stein, and Kerry Anne Stewart.