Tuesday, July 1, 2008

First Week and Me

The first week has passed and we're back into our lives; family, work, long weekends, holidays and this wonderful gift (Choices) now in our lives. Let me share my "Choices" experience with you...on Monday 23 June, first day back at work I had to let go one of the staff. It was an odd feeling to say the least, inside I was buzzing with "Choices" and yet I had to do one of the most difficult tasks - let a staff member go. I knew that in our small office this would not go over well, this individual was very well liked, in fact they loved him. When I informed the staff in a quick staff meeting of the dismissal one staff member "lost it". Below are some of the comments she mentioned:

  • You don't respect me
  • Who is going to do all the work now
  • This (expletive, expletive) sucks
  • I'm going to quit
Wow! Tell me how you feel! I had a 'choice', my mind went quickly to the tools I learned in "Choices", I quickly and skillfully used my "Kung-Fu Choices" skills. Let's just say that by the end of our 'conversation', I had her reassessing her position (by having her look at the situation through different glasses) and acknowledging the self-defeating games being played and I even managed to make her laugh (she later thanked me for that!).

Choices works.

Use the tools, talk to your small group, your coaches, they are the best resources!!

El Cordova