Monday, July 21, 2008

3 Questions, Givers and You

Some of you might remember that I studied philosophy!! And within philosophy there are only three questions of any relevance:

1. What is Real?

How you answer this, says a lot about where you're at. So answer it. What do you believe is fundamentally "real". Is it money? (hard to think how anything works without it), when I started I was a young upstart sophisticate who thought it was "power". All answers relating to this question come under the banner of "Metaphysics" or 'what is real'. (Answer according to me now in 2008: something to do with experiencing "love")

2. How do you know what is "real", is really "real"?

This goes by the uppity name of "epistemology" (theory of knowledge). So now it's time to defend your answer to question # 1. If you believe it's money, power or even love, what's your argument? What evidence do you provide?

3. Just because what is "real" is so, does it have to be?

Yes, professional philosophers have yet to come up with a funky title to question number goes by "value theory". Think, art, politics, values. So if you're still confident in your answer to #1 and #2, does it have to be that way? Why can't it be another way?

This is the holy trinity of questions in philosophy, it can be argued that absolutely no progress has been made in over 3000 years and yet it's not the "answers" that keep this profession alive it's the questions. It's the answers to the "why" questions that keep hope alive.

This weekend ask yourself those difficult questions, dig deep and demand from yourself the "why" during will be surprised.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Down by the River by Alison Krauss

Alright, don't know what "spirituality" means to me, but I did find this to be inspiring...she harmonizes so well...and the images are "nice". Take from it what you want. Goal is not to "convert" but it is to get you to think about your spirituality. What do you believe?

Don't forget your nametag!

For those attending Givers 1, please do not forget to bring your name tag! This tag will not only be used so that participants can address each other by first name, it will also be used to stick the "colors" onto the tag.