Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dog Breath = Have Fun

Alright on Saturday during the stretch there will be "dog breath", you know that "children's song", you may have heard of it, hey maybe you even got down with the children and 'went along' (good on ya!)

Now for those who didn't particpate you may have said to yourself the following "tapes":

- why? what's the point of this? It's for the "kids".
- It's a children's song, it's 'silly'

The point is to have 'fun' and sometimes being "silly" is the point.

When do you get the chance at work, or at home to be "silly; to have fun!?

Kids get it. Sad that as adults we forget this lesson.

If you haven't participated in "dog breath", when the song comes on, get down there and "you'll get the point".

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